Social Action Centre (SAC) - Committee was created by the Catholic Action Nigeria Movement. The SAC-Committee is a body of (technocrats) representatives from the Catholic Action Nigeria (CA-N), Knights and Ladies of St. Mulumba (KSM/LSM), Knights and Ladies Auxiliary of St. John International (KSJI-LAUX), Catholic Woman Organisation of Nigeria (CWON), Catholic Social Forum (CSF), Catholic Charismatic Renewal of Nigeria (CCRN), National Association of Catholic Lawyers, Old Seminarians Association of Nigeria (OSAN), Catholic Youth Organisation of Nigeria (CYON) and in union with the Laity Council of Nigeria. The SAC-Committee is saddled with the responsibility to advise the lay faithful and members of the general public on the need to actively support anyone with positive political ideology in line with the Church teachings and the common good, and mobilize supports for the individual irrespective of political, ethnic or religious affliction. The COMMITTEE also has the responsibility to negotiate VOTES BARGAINING with candidates during elections using the guidelines as contained in the VADEMECUM for Electors in Nigeria: Manual for Responsible Citizenship according to Catholic Social Teaching.
Peter Agbontaen
Ada Gloria Ikeh